21 Things I've Learned From My Daddy
In honor of Father's Day here are 21 things* I've learned from my father.*I say 21 not because I only have 21 things but because then it's one for every year I've been alive & seemed like a good place to stop.
1. "You can do anything!"
2. "Put your cream in your coffee mug first. Then you won't have to stir it."
3. That history repeats itself, learn from your mistakes.
4. "Sarcasm - It's a beautiful language!"
5. That you should always dance like no one is watching. (Even when everyone is watching)
6. "We can't forget Spurgeon, now can we?"
7. That you can never tell someone you love them enough.
8. Family is ALWAYS important.
9. To never take yourself too seriously - especially when it comes to your fashion choices.
11. The importance of music. - Can't thank you enough for this one.
12. That you can always play a mean boom box if you can't play anything else.
13. That it's not *technically* hoarding if your kids made it for you.
14. That teaching is not always fun and games. Sometimes you learn how to use ladders.
15. And sometimes you need to be reminded on how to use the ladders.
16. For reminding me that God supplies over and above what we need or deserve.
17. Tat gramrz & speallingz r inporetant tingz.
18. That you can be patriotic for both your countries but know who to really cheer for during the Olympics.
19. That countdowns can never be started too early nor can they go on too long.
20. "Don't be upset with the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do."
and number 21. Family ALWAYS comes first.
Happy Father's Day Daddy!! Love you more then you'll ever know!
Your curly little red head girl.