For Me To Live Is Christ
This past weekend a Liberty student passed away in a tragic accident. And while I did not have the pleasure of knowing Jon Gregoire personally, I have learned a few things from this young man of God.
I have been reminded that our lives are so short. We don't know what tomorrow will hold. We don't know what 10 years down the road will look like, let alone 10 days from now, or 10 hours from now. We have no clue when our days on this earth will be over.
We just know that we have this moment - this exact moment which God has given us - to do something to further His kingdom.
With Jon Gregoire's passing I feel compelled to make every day, every moment count. I can't help but think of a song I used to hear on my way to school as a child by Nichole Nordeman called Legacy. The lyrics of the chorus go:
"I want to leave a legacy, how will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to you enough to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering..."
I was not blessed to know Jon personally, but I have been touched by his unapologetic love of his Savior. He has touched so many lives and he is continuing to touch lives and point them to Christ.
You will be missed Jon. Thank you for continually pointing us to Christ.
For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. - Philippians 1:21
(Originally posted on my Instagram)