Rise Up From The Grave
One of my favourite worship songs to sing is to myself is "Christ is Risen" by Matt Maher. I don't know if it is the simple chord progressions or the way it builds at the end of the song but one thing that I do know is the first line always gets me.
Let no one caught in sin remain, inside the lie of inward shame...
It doesn't matter when I hear it. Whether when it comes up on my iPod while walking through an airport or at Liberty convocation with Justin Kintzel leading 12,000 students on a gloomy Monday morning. Almost without fail I cry, and lately I've been thinking about why I cry when I hear that line.
Short back story: I was first introduced to "Christ is Risen" in 2012 while preparing to go to Turkey on a mission trip with a few friends from my young adult group. I instantly fell in love with the song when I heard it. It's rare that I love a new worship song as much as I enjoyed this one. It was simple yet profound and full of Spiritual truth, just what a worship song should be. Not fluff but rooted in the gospel.
That one line is so powerful and has impacted me so much. So lately I've been thinking about why that line has impacted me as much as it has.
I'm a very quiet person. I don't like letting people in. It makes me feel vulnerable and I don't like that feeling. I have
my box and
my box is safe. I don't want to have to open up and let people in
my box because it's
my box. If someone I know if having a problem I am hear to listen but as soon as I'm having a problem I go into
my box and try to deal with it by myself, in
my box.
That being said when I mess up, and I believe me I do mess up, I don't share my problems and sins with others. I keep them to myself and dwell on them, becoming consumed with shame and self-loathing. I question Every. Single. Action. And Every. Single. Thought. that led up to me messing up and what I should have been my response. I over analyze everything that happened and everything that was said or down. And then I apologize and pray repeatedly that God would forgive me for my past failures. (I don't do this just with God, I apologize to my friends all the time. They can attest that I'm constantly apologizing. Rarely does a conversation go by without me repeatedly apologizing for the same thing.)
The thing is, I know Christ was put on the cross for my sins. For every impure thought I've ever had, for every rude sarcastic comment I've ever said (and will ever say), for every time I've blatantly ignored someone who has asked for my help. God has forgotten it all. He will not remember my sins. His Word tells me this in Isaiah 43:35.
"I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins."
I think that's why that line has always hit me. Every time I hear that line I am reminded that I don't need to be living in the shame of my sins. They are forgiven. I have been forgiven for them. Now that doesn't mean I need to forget them and keep sinning. In Acts 3:19 we are called to:
"Repent and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out."
Our sins are not remembered. They are blotted out from God's mind. All we are asked to do is repent and turn from them.
As Christians, we no longer need to be living in the shame of our sin. Yes, we may have to deal with the worldly shame that comes with our sins. And yes, the world will condemn us for our mistakes. They will always look down on us for messing up. But the thing is, we are loved by an Eternal, Sovereign, Gracious, Loving, Forgiving God who will not shame us. He is not surprised that we've failed.
He sent His Son because He knew we were going to mess up.
This is why I'm thankful the song doesn't end after the first line. It continues:
But fix your eyes upon the cross
And run to Him who showed great love
And bled for us
Freely you bled, for us
Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with Him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave!
We no longer need to live in the shame of our sins. He has forgiven us and we are His.
Don't remain in the shame of your sins. They have been forgiven. They've been covered by Christ's blood on the cross. Rise up from the grave.
"As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us." ~ Psalm 103:12