Green Smoothie & Music

11:11 AM Johanna 0 Comments

Sometimes you just need a smoothie and sometimes it just needs to be green. 


1 Granny Smith Apple
1 Lemon or 2 Limes
Grated Ginger (To taste)
1 C. Kale
1 C. Almond Milk
1 C. Ice Cubes
Honey (I just kept tasting till it was sweet enough)

1. Cut & core (also peel if you like) apple into 1 inch pieces.
2. Rip the kale into smaller pieces.
3. Roll and squeeze the juice from the lemon/limes.
4. Stick it all in the blender and blend it up!
5. Taste it and make adjustments till it's to your liking.

Before blending.

Halfway through the blending process.

The finished product

This smoothie is super yummy, and because of the Kale is full of Vitamins A, C, and K and iron so it's really good for you. Though kale is an acquired taste in this smoothie the honey and apple mask it's earthy taste creating a crisp, acidic, yet sweet taste.

Lately I've been listening to this playlist by my lovely friend Melodie all the time. It's upbeat without being obnoxious. It's calming without putting you to sleep but still upbeat that it can keep you focused on what you need to do.

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