On My Mind This Week - September 14th-20th

7:16 PM Johanna 0 Comments

Another, short, installment of my series of what went down this past week during my last semester at LU.

This weekend I worked CFAW. Spent Thursday night in heels with blisters all over the sides of my feet telling high school Students about the School of Music. It was a good night and I enjoy my job but my feet are not happy with my choice of shoes.

Then Friday and Saturday I went to most of the events and promoted the SOM again. I met a lot of wonderful people who are interested in this school.

This was one of my less busy weeks at LU but because of CFAW it wasn't as relaxing as I had hoped. Although I did get a few moments here and there to sit down and just relax with a Chai Tea Latte.

(FYI: That's not a tattoo)

Despite having a few hiccups with different situations, it looks as if they are being handled and taken care in a more timely manner now which is making the my stress level subside a little bit.

This week at Convo the student body heard from Democrat Bernie Sanders and Duck Dynasty's Sadie Robertson. Many people at this school have expressed their distain for Senator Sanders coming and speaking to a Christian group, but I have found his comments to start discussion. If we can not hear opposing views and civilly discuss them, then how can we really engage the culture who disagrees with us? Though I disagree with him on many issues I find his thoughts on others to be worth discussing, especially the issue of paid maternity leave. However that one issue is no the most important issue facing this nation and won't be the reason I vote for one political candidate.

Sadie Robertson's convocation on Friday was one full of laughter. I love this girl and if I had the opportunity to meet her I think we would be friends. She has such a heart for God and her love for people is inspiring.

Bernie Sanders Speaking at Convocation On Monday
Duck Dynasty's Sadie Robertson Speaking at Convocation On Monday

This week I've been feeling everything from the past 4 weeks. I've been stressed and overwhelmed with everything that I have to do. I'm just ready for a break and I know that it's coming really soon but I just want it to be here now. I've actually taken my first "day off" and have done absolutely nothing except sleep and watch Downton Abbey today, Sunday, and it was beautiful and something I definitely needed. Hopefully I will be rested and refreshed for the week ahead.

Anywho, that's all for this week!

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